Assessment & Counseling For Bariatric Surgery

Obesity usually has multiple contributing causes, including heredity, illness, calorie intake, and medication.   By the time most adults have developed obesity, they have also tried numerous diets and programs.   Ideally, most people could reduce their risks from obesity and lose weight through a combination of healthy eating and exercise sustained over time that becomes part of a permanent balanced healthy lifestyle.  Unfortunately, many people feel like failures after having failed to sustain good results on their own this way.  Some people decide that weight loss surgery is their best option. It is still a major life decision that has long term consequences.  You need to consider pros and cons carefully and be prepared for emotional consequences too.  Almost every health insurance company requires you to have a mental health evaluation in order to get coverage.

I developed more serious weight management problems after developing thyroid disease and age-related hormone changes. I have been successful with weight management after two types of weight loss surgery.  But before my need for surgery, I succeeded with and taught Weight Watchers and I also provided nutrition counseling with my work.

Whether you decide to consider surgery or not, if you need to lose weight and/or deal with issues associated with obesity or other body image concerns, I can relate and I can help.

To learn more about obesity, bariatric surgery, body-image concerns, or eating disorders, check out the additional information under the Resources tab.

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Colesville, Silver Spring, MD 20904
(301) 887-3644

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